Exciting news: our current lab members, Jason, JJ, and Tae, published their work on the synthesis of 4-bromo-2,3-dihydrofurans in Chemical Science. Additionally, a collaborative work between the Howell and the Cravatt groups on ABHD17 inhibition studies in Nature Chemical Biology has been published. Congratulations!
Congratulations Bobby for winning a summer fellowship
Congratulations to Robert “Bobby” Gilbert for winning a Dr. Charles Waring Chemistry Scholarship. He is working this summer on the synthesis of glycopshingolipids that activate iNKT cells.
Check out our latest publications
Exciting news: our current group member, Pascal, published his work on chemical probe development in ChemBioChem. Additionally, our former group member, Santosh, published an article in ACS Chemical Biology about his study on the potent stimulation of iNKT cells and anti-tumor immunity in humanized mouse model by modified KRN7000. Congratulations, guys!
ACS-CVS C-H Activation Symposium
Past and current members of the Howell group had a great time at the ACS-CVS symposium on Solutions to Challenging C-C Bond formation. The first talk was given by former member Christian Malapit, who is currently undergoing a postdoc in Melanie Sanford’s lab at the University of Michigan. He did a great job, Congrats Christian!
Check out our newest article in Scientific Reports
Don and Katie (Katherine) helped our collaborators in the Suib group with work detailing the oxidation of amides to imides by MnO catalysts. Congrats guys!
2018 Spring Graduation
Congratulations to all those who recently graduated from UConn! It was wonderful having the Howell group’s very own Kendricks Lao back to walk for his PhD. Good luck with all your future endeavors Ken!
Congrats to the 2 newest doctors of the Howell Group!
Kevin and Nicole both successfully completed their
PhD defenses, and both are moving on to great things. Nicole accepted a position as a Technical Specialist at the law firm Lathrop Gage. Kevin is shortly starting a post-doctoral position in the group of Dr. Joseph Ready at UT Southwestern in Dallas, Texas. Congrats again!
Happy Holidays
With the end of the Fall semester, the Howell Group members and family sat down for a bite of pizza at Willington Pizza House.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Newest Paper on Heterogeneous Cross Coupling
Congrats Nicole and our fellow Huskies in the Suib Group for their recent publication in Green Chemistry!
Redox Processes Symposium Sept 2017
All the graduate students of the Howell group had a great time at the ACS CVS Symposium on Applied Synthesis!